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The Truth About Your Health

An Unadulterated Perspective On Human Beings And Aging

The Full Story

It’s not all about you, but mostly.

    Your health is what allows you to thrive and keeps you alive. Your quality of life depends on it. Some people are born with physical constitutions and or live with certain circumstances which allow them to almost never worry about disease, nutrition habits, healing from illness, building strength or acquiring physical and cognitive skills. Being conscientious of personal wellness is important as you mature, but your quality of life after a certain age will, in major part, depend on how much you invest in your physical and mental well-being earlier in life. Of course we cannot live forever but we can enjoy a robust life until the point that we “give up the ghost”. 

Total wellness is in essence prevention and makes the difference between peacefully moving on and being uncomfortable from chronic disease for years before life ends. It’s the difference between engaging in lifelong enriching activities like taking walks, playing with your grandchildren and riding a bike, and being unable to walk up stairs, drive a car, or even pick up a box. Laid out simply, the controllable factors that determine your personal health are: Nutrition choices, the products you use, sleep habits, active vs sedentary lifestyle, stress management, and the manner in which you treat your illnesses and injuries over the course of your life. There are also those factors that you may not be able to control as much, such as your external environment - including the air you breathe, occupational toxicity, the water you drink, your food sources and even the people you come in most contact with on a daily basis. Being active in securing your longevity ensures a more rewarding and enjoyable journey and less of an uphill battle as you get older. After all, you cannot discover new things sitting still.

The gods of balance- We all pay tribute to them.

    Homeostasis is universal equilibrium. All elements of life are interdependent, no matter how far removed from each other. When any element of life is met with a factor that shifts it from its natural function, nature begins to mitigate the effect and return it to its natural state.  This balancing can be sometimes minor or can be catastrophic. In a large sense, imagine drilling for oil through tectonic plates. Fracturing the plates results in a readjustment of the ocean floor which can bring about earthquakes and tsunamis. In the body, the same equilibrium applies. An injury in the foot or the neck can lead to a cascade of dysfunction as compensation occurs with no functional correction. It’s relatively natural for most people to have a tendency towards inaction. Partly because these conditions, if not brought on suddenly by some trauma, can take months or years to develop and we become accustomed to the gradual onset of  pain, discomfort and more importantly, the unwillingness to face the problem. In fact most people live their lives with chronic pain everyday. And most people believe that doctors can prescribe away pain and illness. Daily prevention is the key to sustained and maintained homeostasis, which is a great factor in longevity.

The Most Essential Knowledge.

    Now in these times of various health crises, it is ever so evident that the majority of individuals on this planet are indeed, vastly uneducated about the one thing they walk around with, sleep with, work with, shower with, go on vacations with and everything else they do in their lives… Their BODIES!  And it's because it's so complex and nuanced that we should know so much more about ourselves. Ironically this is true even for people who visit their doctor regularly, Most patients even after years of seeing their doctor walk out the door just as uninformed and unedified as the first day they walked in. Having a better understanding of one’s body can help an individual develop a keen sense of Proprioception - the awareness of your body position and movement in space  and Interoception -  having the ability to identify, access and understand the internal state of your body. Both of these can be achieved with mindful nutrition and training habits.

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